Härjedalens Hunting and Fishing adventures

Spinning – An effective and exciting fishing for all ages.

Spinning in Härjedalen and Jämtland

Spinning is the most common fishing technique amongst the anglers.

Spinning for pike, also called "the crocodile of Sweden", has been known and loved far beyond the borders of Sweden and it can easily be recommended.


You have also big salmon trout's and grayling, and many small forest lakes with excellent conditions for spinning for pike and perch.

Best period: June to August.

Spinning for pike


Härjedalens Hunting and Fishing adventures, Nästeln 456, S-840 31 Åsarna. E-mail: info@jaktochfiskeaventyr.com
Copyright ©: Härjedalens Hunting and Fishing adventures, E-mail: info@jaktochfiskeaventyr.com